Advocacy Business Crime Education Politics

Spouting Off 10/06

Today’s guests:

Gabriel Nadales, National Director of Our America, to analyze the recent report showing the rampant looting and shoplifting across the country is leading to $112Billion in losses for retailers.

And Kenny Xu, President of Color Us United has announced his candidacy for U.S. Congress in North Carolina.

Crime Gun Rights Healthcare

Spouting Off 6/30

Once again, I fill-in for Karen Kataline on Spouting Off.

My guests today are Dr. John Lott, President of the Crime Prevention Research Center and Phil Kerpen, President of American Commitment.

Crime Fiscal Policy

Jazz Shaw

Jazz Shaw form joins me once again to talk about some stories in the headlines and some that should be.3

Connecticut Crime

Rep. Craig Fishbein

State Rep. Craig Fishbein provides more details about the “clean slate” legislation and tells us why this highly-touted initiative is being delayed.

Connecticut Courts Crime

Sen. Rob Sampson

State sen. Rob Sampson joins me to discuss what the legislature can do to revers the steady flow of dangerous criminals being allowed back on the streets.

Corruption Crime Free Speech

Martin Mawyer

Martin is the founder of the Christian Action Network. He is calling for Congress to investigate the criminal snooping of the FBI and DHS, with the willing assistance of Big Tech.

Crime Police

Lance LoRusso

Lance LoRusso is an attorney and author, as well as a former police officer. He joins me to discuss the safety of police officers in the field as the tragedy in Bristol remains in the national spotlight.

Crime Gun Rights

Dr. John Lott

Dr. Lott, President of he Crime Prevention Research Center, says that the media spin on gun control doesn’t match what candidates are hearing from voters.

Authors Crime

John D. O’Connor

Legal analyst and author of The Mysteries of Watergate: What Really Happened. We discuss the recently recentl documents that show that federal investigators feel that they have enough evidence to charge Hunter Biden for tax crimes and false gun statement.

Authors China Crime

Scott Spacek

Scott is a technology advisor and the author of China Hand, a fictional thriller based loosley on actual events in China. He joins me to discuss the balance and trade-offs that different countries make to provide a safe environment.