Joe is the President of the Motor Transport Association of Connecticut. He gives us an update on SB 4, a bill that recently passed in the CT Senate that forces the state to mirror California evironmental standards, despite the damage to the industry and the radical differences between Connecticut and California.
Category: Environmental Policy
Gregory is the Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition, the nation’s leading organization providing facts, resources and information about the vital role carbon dioxide plays in our environment. He joins me to discuss the numerous reasons why the Biden administration policies have caused our continuing oil shortage and rising gas prices and why they are wrong in their assessment of the damage caused by CO2.
Scott has been an entrepreneur for 30+ years, founding two companies. He has been a fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution and is currently Senior Felllow at Discovery Institute.
We discuss the Great Reset and how it is destined to fail.
Ashley Zane
Ashley is the Government Affairs Associate for the Connecticut Business & Industry Association. She joins me today to discuss SB 3, also known as the CT Clean Air Act, that is being debated in Hartford.
Gregory is a geologist with more than 35 years of studying the Earth’s processes. He is also the author of Inconvenient Facts: The Science that Al Gore doesn’t want you to know. He joins me to discuss the energy and climate policies of the Biden administration and many of the ridiculous claims made about the dangers of CO2.
Rick Dunne
Rick is the Executive Director of the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments. He joins me to discuss the work continuing, and the work beginning in transportation and economic development, as well as an update on the Kinneytown dam situation.
Sen. Craig Miner
Sen. Miner joins me to discuss why many in the region are up in arms about the high volume of hazard tree removals.
Pat Sasser
Pat Sasser of NoTollsCT joins me with his take on TCI and highway tolls being taken off the table on Connecticut. Or are they?
Marc Fitch
Marc is an investigative journalist for the Yankee Institute. We discuss the state gas tax and the prospect of property tax relief.
Naugatuck Mayor Pete Hess and Rick Dunne of the Naugatuck Valley Council discuss a suit against the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission related to the blocking of migratory fish passage on the Naugatuck River.