Authors Mental Health

William Damon

Stanford professor and author of A Round of Golf with My Father: The New Psychology of Exploring Your Past to Make Peace with Your Present, in which he takes a raw look back at his life , recommends a “life review”, no matter how difficult dredging up the past may be.

Authors Mental Health

Dr. Joshua Estrin

Psychologist and author of Shut Up and Listen to Yourself 2.0 Dr. Estrin joins me to discuss cancel culture and how we all work together to cancel cancel culture.

Mental Health Suicide Prevention

Dr. Trina Cayeux

Dr. Cayeux is with Give an Hour, an organization that addresses mental health challenges in society – challenges that, when left unaltered, often result in emotional pain and suffering.

Dr. Cayeux joins me today to discuss Give an Hour’s Suicide Prevention Month campaign, Connect to Hope.