Advocacy Climate Change Environmental Policy Transportation

Chris Herb

Chris is the President of the CT Energy Marketers Association. He brings the results of a recent study done by his organization that shows that the vast majority of residents are unhappy with gas prices and oppose the state’s entry into the Transportation and Climate Initiative.

Authors Environmental Policy Transportation

Marc Fitch

Marc is an investigative journalist who writes for the Yankee Insitute. He joins me today to discuss the aggressive and possibly unattainable goals that have been set to replace internal combustion engine vehicles with electric alternatives.

Climate Change Environmental Policy Politics Transportation

Sen. Eric Berthel

The Transportation and Climate Initiative that failed to even come up for a vote in the recent regular session may be back in a special session being discussed for September. Sen. Berthel joins me to discuss.

Advocacy Fiscal Policy Transportation

Pat Sasser

The founder of joins me to discuss his recent win and his rare loss when fighting against the state’s continued attempts to increase taxes on everyone and everything.

Fiscal Policy Politics Transportation

Sen. Henri Martin

Sen. Martin and I discuss the continuing efforts to stop the truck mileage tax.