Authors Media Politics

John O’Connor

Attorney, legal analyst and author of “Postgate: How the Washington Post Betrayed Deep Throat, Covered Up Watergate and Began Today’s Partisan Advocacy Journalism” joins me to discuss the Democrats efforts to pack the Supreme Court, even inthe face of overwhelming opposition.

Advocacy Labor

Joe DeLong

Joe Delong of the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities speaks out against SB 902, potential legislation that is, in his opinion, “a solution in search of a problem.”

Advocacy Business Fiscal Policy Politics

Tim Phelan

Tim is the president of the Connecticut Retail Merchants Association and is speaking out on behalf of his organization against a proposed digital ad tax that is being debated in Hartford.

Monologue Politics

Monologue 04/16/21

And why are the Democrats pushing a no-win effort to pack the Supreme Court?

Afghanistan: Should the US finally leave?

Authors Fiscal Policy

David Morgan

Economic and Precious Metals expert David Morgan, Chief Editor of The Morgan Report and co-author of “Second Chance: How to Make and Keep Big Money from the Coming Gold and Silver Shock-wave“, discusses what he sees as extremely difficult times ahead for us economically.

Education Fiscal Policy Healthcare Politics

Sen. Kevin Kelly

Sen. Kelly offers his insight into the fiscal problems facing UConn and UConn Health and the downstream impact on taxpayers.

Advocacy Politics

Patrick Wood

Founder and Director of Citizens for Free Speech joins me to discuss the power that Big Tech has over our conversations and what can be done to reduce that power.

Fiscal Policy Monologue

Monologue – 4/14/21

What is happening at UCONN? Is there no one in charge when it comes to effectively running the school or the health center without constantly coming to the taxpayers for more and more money, year after year?

Authors Politics

Major General Mari Eder (retired)

US Cyberscape Analyst and author of “American Cyberscape: Trials and the Path to Trust” Major General Mari Eder, U.S. Army retired, joins me to discuss the unraveling of trust affecting not only government but also news organizations, trusted sources of information and, most critically, expertise and values.

Fiscal Policy Politics

Sen. Henri Martin

CT State Senator Henri Martin gives us an update on many of the new taxes that are being pushed by Gov. Lamont and Democrat legislators in Hartford.