The Connecticut Conference of Municipalities is connecting with voters this elections season in a series of outreach bulletins to help bring local issues to the forefront. We’ll get details on the key points and what’s ahead with CCM CEO and Executive Director Joe Delong.
Talk of the Town 9/29/22
Harry Arora
Rep. Arora is running as the Republican-endorsed candidate for Connecticut State Treasurer.
Dr. Michael Busler
The recent sell-off on Wall Street has led to a loss in over $9trillion on assets. Dr. Michael Busler joins us to discuss the downstream impact of that loss.
Talk of the Town 9/28/22
Nathan Crane
Nathan is the deputy communications director for the RNC. He joins us with an update on the fentanyl crisis and the failure of the Biden administration to address the root cause.
Scott is a technology advisor and the author of China Hand, a fictional thriller based loosley on actual events in China. He joins me to discuss the balance and trade-offs that different countries make to provide a safe environment.
Talk of the Town 9/27/22
Scott Cleland
Scott is the Executive Director of the Restore Us Institute, a non-partisan, non-profit that educates the public about Internet accountability problems and solutions. He joins me to discuss his recent Townhall column.
Sen. Tony Hwang
State Senator Tony Hwang joins me to discuss a few issues affecting the taxpayers of Connecticut, including the recent announcement that crime is down in the state.