Healthcare Insurance

Dr. Chad Savage

Dr. Savage is the founder of YourChoice Direct Care. In his opinion, the US Healthcare System doesn’t provide freedom of choice.

Healthcare Insurance

Sen. Tony Hwang

State Sen. Hwang is a ranking member of the Insurance Committee. We discuss the recntly approved hikes in health insurance and what can be done to stop these types of increases in the future.

Healthcare Insurance

Dean Clancy

Dean is a senior policy fellow at Americans for Prosperity, as well as Paragon Health Institute public advisor. He joins me to discuss the HSA option, which would allow low-income Americans to use a portion of their ACA subsidy as a Health Savings Account contribution.

Connecticut Economic policy Insurance

Sen. Eric Berthel

State Senator Eric Berthel joins me to discuss a recent opinion piece by Sens. Looney and Duff, as well as the request by health insurance companies for double-digit rate increases.

Advocacy Insurance

Phil Kerpin

Phil is the executive director of American Commitment, which has a new project, Commitment to Seniors, in place to bring awareness to AARP’s lobbying efforts for UnitedHealth, one of the largest insurance companies on the world, instead of advocating for their members.

Advocacy Healthcare Insurance

Ken Girardin

Ken is the Director of Public Policy for the Yankees Institute. He has recently published a Policy Paper titled A Risky Plan: Connecticut’s Public Option Proposal where he exposes the troubling management of the state’s existing Partnership 2.0 health insurance plan, the basis for the proposed state-run plan.