Authors Politics

Stephen Soukup

Stephen Soukup joins me today to discuss his book: “The Dictatorship of Woke Capital”

Pick up a copy here!


Brian Vikander

Brian Vikander joins me today to discuss his book “Dalko: The Untold Story of Baseball’s Fastest Pitcher“, the story of probably the fastest pitcher in the history of the game, Steve Dalkowski.

Pick up a copy here!


Alan Zwiebel

Alan Zwiebel, one of the original writers for Saturday Night Live, joins me to discuss his new book “Laugh Lines”.

You can pick up a copy here!

Authors Politics

George Papadopoulos

Today George Papadopoulos, a central figure in the Trump/Russia collusion hoax, joins me to talk about his new book “Deep State Target”

Pick up a copy here!